Saucy Salsa the Cuban Dish (10') Yeoman Jo Taylor Samuel Santos Natasha Neis Pini 2005

3 jelenetfotó és adatok0 hozzászólás

Jelenetfotó 1.3 Jelenetfotó 2.3 Jelenetfotó 3.3This film aims to provoke questions about reflexive anthropology in a collage of rum-fueled ethnographic awkwardness. Our subject is Rafael Del Busto, a Cuban Salsa dancer living and working in London. The film examines the encounter and dynamics between the filmmaker and subject through all stages of production. It rejects a chronological order of events and traditional documentary style and instead offers a collage of our own and archival footage. By including the production and fieldwork processes in the finished work this film offers a critique of the nature of anthropological enquiry. The narrative framework of Saucy Salsa: the Cuban dish is a journey to a salsa dance class. The journey involves a threefold movement. Firstly, through the spaces and places, of the home of a Cuban Salsa dancer, the Church hall setting of the Salsa dance class, the public transport system of London as utilised to get to from the dance class, and a photographic studio. Secondly, the film involves a journey through time, the night spent meeting the dancer at his flat, arriving, participating in, and then leaving his dance class, and the hours spent in a photographic studio filming his dancing. Thirdly, the film involves a journey through states of consciousness, the dancer is represented as a symbol of exotica and escapism, as a performer, a teacher, a boyfriend, as an ordinary man, and then as an exoticised object again. The filmmakers are also shown to move through states of consciousness, from being observers to observed participants and back again to observers. Thus, the film’s journey embodies a layering of cyclical narratives of separation and reintegration that reflect the processes involved in ritual learning and change. This film was produced independently at Goldsmiths College, London as part of an undergraduate degree programme. A filmhez még nem történt hozzászólás.

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Eredeti cím:Saucy Salsa the Cuban DishAngol cím:Saucy Salsa the Cuban Dish

Gyártási adatok:

Gyártó ország:Nagy-Britannia - uk
Gyártás ideje:2005Forgatás ideje:2005Film hossza:10 percFelvétel formátuma:DVD
Eredeti nyelv: angol


Rendező: Yeoman Jo Taylor Samuel Santos Natasha Neis Pini

Népcsoport és lokalitás:

Népcsoport: brit kubai Földrész: Nyugat-Európa Ország: Nagy-Britannia - uk Lokalitás: London


Típus:nem-fikciós filmKulcsszavak: városi élet identitás hagyomány

Kapcsolódó szakterületek:

Társadalomtudományok: szociológia
kulturális antropológia

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