Królikowski Wojciech


Department of Radio and TV of the Silesia University - directorship postgraduate. Earlier he had graduated filmknowing on Fhilological Department of Silesia University, he is the author of several reportages, documentaries, journalistic programmes, radio reportages. The main works: "THE KNIFE & CROSS" for Polish Television "The little whole in a little whole" for TVP "One kilometer from the mountain, one kilometer downhill" for TVP "Tears of coal" for TVP "Anus Mundi" for TVP - which was welcome to 47-th Documentary Film Festival in Cracow. "Good will events chain" - for TVP (2006) "An oblivion coal-mine orchestra" for TVP (2005)


Vezetéknév:Królikowski Személynév:Wojciech Születési idő:1962


Rendező: Anus Mundi

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