Klausmann Sigrid


1955 born in in Furtwangen/Black Forrest, Germany als the third of seven children 1971 Finish Secondary School 1972-74 Study Teacher for Gymnasics and Physical Education 1974-79 Teacher for Physical Education in the Gymnasium in Mengen/Württ. 1979-85 Teacher for Physicxal Ed. And Dance in the Boarding School of Salem 1985 Wedding with Walter Sittler 1979-2003 Teacher for Contempory Dance and Choreography 1985 Birth of daughter Jennifer 1987 Birth of son Benedikt 1989 Birth of daughter Lea-Marie up to 2000 Different courses in Screenplay writing since 2003 Documentary Filmmaker


Vezetéknév:Klausmann Személynév:Sigrid Születési idő:1955Cégvezető:Schneegans Production


Rendező: Fliegen wirst du noch! Lisette und ihre Kinder Producer: Fliegen wirst du noch! Szakértő: Fliegen wirst du noch!

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