Home (19') Califano Anton

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"Home" is a dance/documentary film exploring issues concerning the relationships of people to their environment, their family and migration through the eyes of three East London families. The film is a process-driven film in which the outcome was very much dependent on the method used to develop and devise the content. There was no script as such and the scenes for the film were built up carefully over time based on the real lives of the young people and their families who appear in the film. Nanthu who is 15 and her family, who are all Tamil, came from Sri Lanka to London escape the civil war. Ervin's family were also escaping war in their home country Kosovo. When they set-off neither of the families knew which country was going to be their new home. Laura Anne's family have been in East London for generations. Having lived through the blitz, her gran recounts her experiences of being bombed by the Germans. A filmhez még nem történt hozzászólás.

Ezen a helyen elsősorban a film felhasználásával, feldolgozásával kapcsolatos tapasztalatokat várjuk.
Köszönettel veszünk minden pozitív vagy negatív élményt, amelyet a film megtekintése, megvitatása váltott ki.

Segíts tapasztalataid megosztásával másokat!


Eredeti cím:HomeAngol cím:Home

Gyártási adatok:

Film hossza:19 perc


Rendező: Califano Anton

doc_hun_configuration Támogató Partnerünk Magnet Bank - Magyar Közösségi Bank
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