Marker Ltd.


Marker is a private company formed in 1983 to make Losing Track, a documentary series for Channel 4 Television, UK. Other TV credits include Other News for Channel 4 Television, Here and After, A Friend is..., and Sammi’s Story for Channel 4 Schools. 1997/2001 developed and co-ordinated ISCN/Jandarshn project on social documentary and access training, centred in India, with German, British and Indian partners and funded under the EU India Economic Cross Cultural Programme. 2002 - 2004 oversaw developments from ISCN Project including preparation of audio visual materials for teaching anthropology of industrialisation (see ) and production of three films for the International Labour Organisation. 2005 – present: developed and produced 4 independent documentaries.


Név:Marker Ltd.Cégvezető:Dickinson Margaret


Gyártó: Memories of a Future Village Lives: Distant Powers Forgalmazó: Memories of a Future Village Lives: Distant Powers

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