Magistratum Stúdió Kft.


The Magistratum Studio was founded in 1994. The studio has basic equipments for film production and multimedia work. As one performer of the national documentary film makers, it mainly provides nature films, scientific and cultural films for public programs. It produces products for cultural tourism and auxiliary materials for education. The National Television and Radio Commission has supported its activity 6 times (16 motion pictures altogether), the Ministry of Culture has supported our company 2 times. Other supporters: The Motion Picture Public Foundation of Hungary, The Ministry of Environmental Protection and The Soros Foundation. We have won Phare support in the program of “Supporting innovative activity of companies in the South-Lowland Region” for producing educational auxiliary material / curriculum. Our documentaries have been presented on the Hungarian National Television, on Danube Television, on Television 2, on Spectrum Television and on several local televisions. Our films appear on film festivals. We won the second place on the International Diver Film Festival in 2004 with the “History in the deep of sea”.


Név:Magistratum Stúdió Kft.Cégvezető:Karáth Imre


Gyártó: Csónyik születik Tavaszünnep a természet tiszteletére Kunok a Kiskunságban Egy legenda nyomában I-II. Sarmisagetusa - a dákok szentélye Őseink nyomában: A megértés hídja A szállások népe - Székelyvarság Forgalmazó: Csónyik születik Egy legenda nyomában I-II. Őseink nyomában: A megértés hídja

doc_hun_configuration Támogató Partnerünk Magnet Bank - Magyar Közösségi Bank
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