Axa Tv


Axa TV is broadcasting from the INTELSAT 902 satellite, covering the whole Europe, North of Africa and the Middle East. In this moment, the total number of the users exceeds 1,250,000. If in your town we are not taken over by any cable operator, then there is the possibility to broadcast us with the help of a digitally receiver and an antenna with diameter of 1,2 m, lnb < 0,6 frequency 11187 MHz , Horizontally Polarization (H), Symbol Rate 2047. Approximately 35% from the grid is represented by the segment of entertainment, most of them live transmissions, interactive. The reports and inquires, also the recess programmes (financial, tourism, integration, economic, programmes for fishers, terrorism, folklore, programme in Hungarian) complete Axa TV grid in the 18 hours of emission.


Név:Axa Tv


Gyártó: A sapantai siratóasszonyok Forgalmazó: A sapantai siratóasszonyok

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